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Salt & Sand Aid - Different Sizes Avaliable, Price Varies


Salt & Sand Aid is a liquid additive chemically designed to allow sand to stick and salt to melt snow and ice at temperatures as low as -60°F when used as directed. Salt & Sand Aid is nonpolluting and reduces environmental damage by cutting down on the amount of salt needed.

• Works quickly
• Reduces use of salt
• Prohibits ice from bonding

STOCK PILES: To reduce freezing, spray 1 to 3 gallons of Salt & Sand Aid per 25 yards over surface of stock pile, depending on frost depths. Apply through a manual or power sprayer.
INDIVIDUAL LOADS: Spray 1 to 2 gallons of Salt & Sand Aid over
each 5-6 yard load to penetrate and activate the load through a rapid moisture action down to -60°F. When sprayed on ballast load it will prevent freeze ups when plowing.
DIRT ROAD MAINTENANCE: Spray 2 to 3 gallons of Salt & Sand Aid per 5-6 yard load of straight sand. Salt & Sand Aid will produce enough of a melting action to allow sand to stick to road surfaces
